Strategi Marketing Desa Wisata Berbasis Informasi dan Teknologi
Tourism villages were formed to empower the community so that they can act as
direct actors in an effort to increase readiness and concern in responding to tourism potential or
tourist attraction locations in each village. The objects of this research are 3 tourist villages in
DKI Jakarta, namely: Betawi Cultural Village Tourism Village, Untung Jawa Island Tourism
Village and Bhinneka Eduwisata Village Tourism Village. The purpose of this study is to
determine the IT-based marketing strategy used by tourism villages in DKI Jakarta. This study
uses AISAS theory consisting of Attention (attention), Interest (interest), Search (search), Action
(action), and Share (sharing). AISAS explains the occurrence of significant changes in consumer
behavior patterns since the advent of technology. The research method uses a descriptive
approach. The data collection technique is by exploring the tourist village managers and visitors
and observing the tourist villages and the digital platform used. In this study, the marketing
strategy used by the tourist village is in the form of a website platform, social media and mobile
applications. The tourist villages of Untung Jawa Island and Betawi Village use the potential of
the three platforms, while the Bhinneka edutourism village has not maximized the use of
marketing using digital platforms.