Pemilihan dan Penataan Ruang Usaha Mikro dan Kecil (UMK) Warung Makan pada Rumah Tinggal di Hunian Padat

  • Euis Puspita Dewi
  • Siti Sujatini
  • Henni Henni


This study aims to analyze the placement of culinary business spaces in residential homes in
dense residential areas with various problems related to comfort, safety and health. The object of
the study was a residential house in a dense residential RW 02 Paseban Village, Central Jakarta.
The problems that exist in the object of this study consist of limited land, the quality of space related
to lighting and airing, layout irregularities, the threat of fire hazards and the lack of facilities. The
method used is a qualitative method through observation and interviews with residents of the
residence and participants of the Joint Business Group (KUBE), which is chaired by Mrs. RW 02
in Paseban Village. The results of this study, the terrace is the most appropriate area used as a
business space. This area is calculated to meet the required lighting standards, air space and space
needed as a business space in a dense residential house. Terrace as a business space is arranged
to meet layout standards based on the flow of activities consisting of the preparation zone,
compounding zone and processing zone and presentation zone.
