Analisa Koefisien Tenaga Kerja Konstruksi Pekerjaan Pelat dan Balok Beton Bertulang pada Bangunan Tingkat Tinggi

  • Irika Widiasanti
  • Gara Alpinas
  • Mochammad Iqbal Nur Rizqy
  • Jihad Ryzki4
Keywords: Koefisien, SNI, Tenaga Kerja


Manpower productivity is one of the success factors of a project, productivity can be measured by
calculation of the productivity coefficient. The coefficient value of manpower productivity in the
project is expected not to exceed the coefficient value of SNI 7394: 2008 which is used as
reference. From the results of direct observations in the field, it is known that the coefficient
of ironworks manpower productivity for the foreman type is 0.00006, SNI 0.0004; type of worker for
head craftsman is 0.00008, SNI 0.0007; types of blacksmith workers are 0.0004, SNI 0.007; the tower
crane operator's worker type is 0.000035. In the formwork work, the coefficient of manpower
productivity for the type of foreman workers is 0.002; type of worker for the head worker 0.0026;
type of formworker 0.006. In casting work, the coefficient of manpower productivity for the foreman
worker is 0.003, SNI 0.083; type of worker for the head craftsman is 0.005, SNI 0.275; types of
mason workers are 0.008, SNI 0.028; the tower crane operator's worker type is 0.006. Based on the
coefficient value, it can be concluded that the coefficient of manpower in the field is lower than
SNI, thus the project is running well.
