Analisis Rantai Pasokan dalam Pengelolaan Komoditas Beras (Studi Kasus di P.B. Jembar Ati, Kabupaten Cianjur)

  • Akhmad Sutoni
  • Nurwan Tjadis Ibrahim
  • Dwi Indrawati
  • Ai Yuni Cahyati
  • Faddli Muhammad Addilah
Keywords: Rantai Pasok, Distribusi, Rantai Pasokan Beras, Manajemen Rantai


Distribution is the most important part of the process of delivering a product to
the end consumer. Where in the process of sending goods from one place to another it has various
purposes with various quantities of goods to be distributed to consider the capacity of the
transportation means to be used. Results of supply chain data in P.B. Jembar Ati has not entirely
used good management. Farmers as the main producer produce rice. Collectors organize farmers'
crops, carry out the sorting process, grading, and periodically send them to processors
(factories). Collectors carry out harvest planning so that they can continuously send rice or rice
to processors. Processors carry out post- harvest handling such as cleaning, packaging, labeling,
distribution, and giving orders to collectors or directly to farmers. P.B. Jembar Ati has a section
to handle production activities. Planning and strategy are necessary to support supply chain
activities to achieve supply chain optimization.
