Perancangan Tata Letak di IKM Usaha Kuliner

  • Henni Henni
  • Euis Puspita Dewi
  • Siti Sujatini
Keywords: KUBE, IKM, Tata Letak, Usaha kuliner


The KUBE business (Kelompok Usaha Bersama) that will be researched is the IKM of Mrs. Yani's
culinary food and beverage business, which exist in densely populated area, Paseban, Central
Jakarta. The location of this culinary business is very strategic, close to the center of trade,
offices and government. However, as a place of business that integrates with a house that has a low
area, it is necessary to organize an efficient and effective business space layout in its business
activities. With the layout analysis approach used, namely: Activity Relationship Chart (ARC),
Activity Relationship Diagram (ARD), Activity Template Block Diagram (ATBD), then this research
will design the layout of food and beverage culinary business to increase efficiency and
effectiveness in their business.
