Fenomenologi Pola Komunikasi Interpersonal Pada Pasangan Menikah (Studi Love Language Dalam Usia Pernikahan 0-5 Tahun)

  • Luthfia Ramadhina Aulia Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta
  • Aan Setiadarma Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta
  • Supratman Supratman Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta
Kata Kunci: Love Language, Keterbukaan diri, Pasangan Menikah, Konflik Komunikasi


Marriage is a very important and sacred moment in one's life. The newly married couple are said
to be enjoying romantic and exciting times. Within marriage, there is a pattern of daily
interpersonal communication between married couples. In the communication of married
couples, one of communication proponents when it comes to understanding the couple is Love
Language. Love language is one of the ways or methods a person uses to express love for his or
her spouse or family and those closest to them. The study aims to see how the patterns of
interpersonal communication with the application of love language to married couples at 0-5
years ofMarriage. The type of research used is qualitative descriptive with the phenomenological
approach and use primary and secondary data sources. The analysis techniques in this study use
interactive analysis.The sampling technique was carried out bt purposive sampling. The result of
this study is that the application of love language to marriage at 0-5 years, can help a couple
process of self-disclosure and a change in a better pattern of communication. It has also been
found that the application of love language works in minimizing marital conflict or
communication conflict
