How Does the Use of Shopee Live Affect Consumer Information Needs ?

  • Witanti Prihatiningsih Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta
  • Wa Ode Seprina Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta
  • Aan Setiadarma Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta


Indonesia is one of the fastest growing countries in region in terms of number of e-commerce
users. This number keep on increasing, especially when the government issued regulation
regarding Work From Home (WFH) during Covid-19 pandemic. One of the most popular ecommerce
in Indonesia is Shoppee, with the highest number of users in Jakarta. The aim of this
study is to examine how much influence Shopee Live, a feature in Shopee application, has on
information needs among housewives in Jakarta based on information seeking theory. Quantitative
method with regression analysis are used in this study. The results of this study indicate that
simultaneously, viewing intensity, information content, and search priority on Shopee Live has a
significant effect on information needs among housewives in Jakarta. Partially, viewing intensity
on Shopee Live has a significant effect on information needs. Likewise, information content also
has a significant effect on information needs. However, search priority on Shopee Live does not
have a significant effect on information needs among housewives in Jakarta
