Modal Pengetahuan Situs Pusaka Budaya Pesanggrahan Pakubuwono IX Langenharjo dan Pengembangan Potensi Wisata

  • Agustian Budi Prasetya Universitas Bina Nusantara
  • Puji Wahono Universitas Negeri Jember
  • GPH Surya Witjaksono Pesanggrahan Langenharjo


The paper discusses about knowledge assets that applied in heritage site . It is
identified the knowledge resources of the site, that suppose to be retained by involving
five stakeholders at estate of King PB IX at Sukoharjo City. The research utilizes desk
research methodes, obeservation, ingterview and literature study. The paper describe
analytically knowledge and phisical assets of the heritage estage and pentahelix model.
The paper found that along with effort to maintain the knowledge capital, the heritage
estate, might call for involvement in heritage stakeholders to share and collaborate
each other. Otherwise the estate might under value of its knowledge capital and loss the
opportunity to be creative tourism destination.

