Peningkatan Kebugaran Dan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Dengan Gym Ball Exercises Dan Critical Thinking

  • Jerry Maratis
  • Fachmi Tamzil
  • Alfian
  • Mulyo Wiharto


Masa Pandemi COVID-19 membuat siswa di Sekolah menjalani periode adaptasi sekolah dengan new normal (kebiasaan baru), yaitu menerapkan protokol kesehatan saat Work From Office (WFO) untuk guru-guru dan tenaga kependidikan, sedangkan murid-murid School From Home (SFH). Untuk belajar secara online dibutuhkan pikiran dan duduk yang lama di depan laptop, serta HP dalam posisi duduk menetap dalam waktu yang lama dibanding tatap muka. Dampaknya posisi duduk menetap lebih dominan saaat pembelajaran online untuk murid. Jika duduknya berlangsung lama dan berulang kali dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya ketegangan dan kaku otot-otot, sehingga kesehatan terganggu, kurang fokus dan konsentrasi. Solusi yang diajukan bertujuan untuk melakukan pendampingan gerakan sehat dengan Gym Ball Exercises dengan postural control dan koreksi postur, senam rhythmic auditory stimulation (RAS), serta edukasi dan pendampingan berpikir kritis kepada siswa dengan materi esensial yang meliputi pemahaman terhadap pentingnya untuk mengontrol postur dan koreksi postur serta praktek untuk berpikir kritis dalam perubahan pascapandemi COVID 19. Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan adalah edukasi, pelatihan, pendampingan, dan praktek. Kesimpulan: Siswa meningkat pengetahuan tentang kesehatan, berpikir kritis, dan bugar dengan praktek gym ball exercises.


The COVID-19 Pandemic period made students at school undergo a period of school adaptation with new normal (new habits), namely implementing health protocols during Work From Office (WFO) for teachers and education staff, while School From Home (SFH) students . To study online requires thinking and sitting for a long time in front of a laptop, and the cellphone is in a sitting position for a long time compared to face to face. The impact is that the sitting position is more dominant during online learning for students. Sitting for a long time and repeatedly can cause tension and stiffness in the muscles, so that health is disturbed, lack of focus and concentration. The proposed solution aims to provide healthy movement assistance with Gym Ball Exercises with postural control and posture correction, rhythmic auditory stimulation (RAS) gymnastics, as well as education and critical thinking assistance to students with essential material which includes understanding the importance of to control posture and posture correction as well as practice for critical thinking in post-COVID 19 pandemic changes. The implementation methods used are education, training, mentoring, and practice. Conclusion: Students increase their knowledge about health, critical thinking, and fitness by practicing gym ball exercises.
