Pemberdayaan Lingkungan Dalam Pencegahan Obesitas Pada Remaja Di Masa Pandemi Covid 19

  • Nourmayansa Vidya Anggraini UPN Veteran Jakarta
  • Serri Hutahaean UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
  • Teguh Firmansyah Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
  • Muchamad Rifki Nuryanta Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
  • Vionita Apriliana UPN Veteran Jakarta
  • Bonieta Dwi Lestari UPN Veteran Jakarta
  • Muhammad Harits Saifulloh UPN Veteran Jakarta
  • Nita Junita UPN Veteran Jakarta


Obesity is one of the major chronic health problems, both in developed and developing countries such
as Indonesia. Lifestyles that change rapidly, including diet and activity, cause an increase in the prevalence
of obesity in children aged 5-19 years, which occurs in developing countries. This condition indicates that the
problem of obesity in adolescents requires resolution of the individual adolescents themselves as well as the
role of the surrounding environment as part of health management, namely from teachers, parents and peers.
This activity aims to provide health education and training to parents, teachers, and adolescent peers related
to preventing obesity that occurs in adolescents. This activity resulted in an increase in the knowledge of
parents, teachers, and peers from before and after health education and training. It is recommended that
schools continue to carry out health education related to obesity in collaboration with puskesmas and the
health office.
