Pemahaman Kelompok Masyarakat di Kelurahan Pancoran Mas, Kota Depok terhadap Undang-Undang Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual

  • Dewanto Samodro UPN Veteran Jakarta
  • Chairun Nisa Zempi UPN Veteran Jakarta
  • Jati Satrio UPN Veteran Jakarta


Violences, especially sexual violence, are still happen in Indonesia. The number of researches, reports,
and surveys conducted by several government agencies showed that sexual violence can happen to anyone,
both women and men. Therefore, the government and the House of Representatives have approved and
ratified Law No. 12 of 2022 on Sexual Violence Crime. As a new law, the public understanding of the
regulation is still very minimal. In fact, the Law lists the types of sexual violence, which are often carried out
by some people in Indonesia without them realizing that it is sexual violence. Therefore, the Law on Sexual
Violence Crime needs to be disseminated more massively to the wider community to provide an
understanding to the public about the prevention and handling of sexual violence. The socialization of the law
needs to involve many parties, including the government, society, academics, and the entrepreneur. This is to
create an Indonesia that is free from sexual violence.
