Mindset Sadar Wisata Dalam Tatanan Kehidupan Baru Yang Produktif dan Berdaya Guna Menuju Kemandirian Masyarakat Bagi Penggerak Deswita Jatirejo Gunungpati

  • Novita Mariana Universitas Stikubank Semarang
  • Saefurrohman Saefurrohman Universitas Stikubank Semarang
  • Dewi Handayani U. N. Universitas Stikubank Semarang
  • Agus Prasetyo Utomo Universitas Stikubank Semarang


A village that has the potential as a tourist village for community-based tourist
destinations based on the local wisdom of its people, as one of the triggers for the
economic growth of the community in a rural area that offers an atmosphere of rural
authenticity both from socio-economic, socio-cultural, customs, daily life, and spatial
structures. a typical village, or economic activity that is unique and interesting and has the
potential to be developed for various components of tourism, such as attractions,
accommodation, culinary specialties of food and drink, souvenirs, and other tourist needs.
Jatirejo tourist village as one of the tourist destinations is a village in the Gunungpati subdistrict
that is directly affected by the Jatibarang reservoir construction project. A total of
62 hectares of agricultural land and plantations owned by residents are affected by the
reservoir project. The area of Jatirejo Village in 2014 was 238,130 ha which was
dominated by yards, rice fields and mixed gardens. The large area of land affected by the
reservoir project has an impact on activities in the agricultural sector, considering that the
agricultural sector is the main source of income for residents in the Jatirejo sub-district.
Livelihood data recorded as many as 234 people who work as land-owning farmers, 33
people who work as sharecroppers and 427 people who work as farm laborers.With the
construction of the Jatibarang reservoir which is intended as a tourist destination, the
Jatirejo village which is located around the reservoir is expected to have a positive impact
on the development of the reservoir as a tourist attraction by elevating the Jatirejo tourist
village as one of the village tourist destinations in the city of Semarang. Existing potential
can be explored without leaving the existing culture. Assistance and facilitation by the
service team in the form of building a community-based mindset and good governance is
expected to grow the existing potential and capabilities to optimize the management of
Jatirejo as a tourist village.
