Peningkatan Potensi Ekonomi Melalui Program Pemeliharaan Lingkungan Desa Dan Pemberdayaan Bank Sampah Desa Pamagersari

  • Sri Mulyantini UPN Veteran Jakarta
  • Aniek Irawatie UPN Veteran Jakarta


This village environmental maintenance program aims to raise public awareness of the creation
of a healthy environment while providing economic benefits for the community. This activity is
carried out by integrating the environmental village program with economic empowerment from
existing waste banks, based on the 4R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Replace) program for the
Pamagersari Village community to support the development of the Lebak Wangi tourist village.
This program involves neighborhood associations (RT) and neighborhood associations (RW),
environmental groups. This program will also involve existing Educational Institutions, such as
Schools and Islamic Boarding Schools as well as SME groups. We hope that this program can
support government programs in environmental care as well as extracting and developing village
