Pelatihan Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan Berbasis Digital Pada Para Santri Pondok Pesantren Sirajussa’adah

  • Nurmatias Nurmatias UPN Veteran Jakarta
  • Nobelson Nobelson UPN Veteran Jakarta
  • Shinta Widyastuti UPN Veteran Jakarta
  • Alfida Aziz UPN Veteran Jakarta


Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1 of 2013 that the
government supports efforts to realize the welfare of families and communities by empowering the
community. The variety of welfare-improving programs so far that are materially oriented has not had
much impact on reducing the poor This is due to the lack of consideration of the ecosystem aspects of an
area. So that the need for innovative efforts and knowledge to accelerate the alleviation of welfare in
addition to what has been done so far. Pondok Pesantren Sirajussa'adah, is one of the islamic
boarding schools located in the village of Maruyung, Limo District, Depok, West Java, students as
business people with a micro scale are a form of responsibility in improving the economy,
especially Pesatren Sirajus Sa'adah. Sirajussa'adah Islamic Boarding School has built islamic boarding
school business units that are handled and carried out by The main problem of this Pesantren is the low
quality of human resources (HR) caused by the lack of knowledge and understanding in recording each
transaction and compiling financial reports. Therefore, activities are needed in community service aimed
at students in the form of training with digital-based financial management. students in the form of
business units which include the Tempe Industry, Pure Honey and Water RO Sirajussa'adah. which is
quite easy and practical so that later it is expected to provide additional income for Pesatren Sirajus
Sa'adah, so that with the empowerment of these students, it is also expected to be able to play a real role
in improving the economy of Pesatren Sirajus Sa'adah during the Covid-19 period. The approach method
is to provide training on Digital-based financial management applications so that it is hoped that business
actors in addition to increasing their income economically can also get additional financing from banks.
