Pengembangan Limbah Kulit Pisang Sebagai Alternatif Pembuatan Ice Cream Untuk Peningkatan Daya Saing UMKM Desa Pasirsari

  • Muhamad Syahwildan Universitas Pelita Bangsa
  • Indra Setiawan Universitas Pelita Bangsa


This journal describes the results of community service activities carried out at Pelita Bangsa
University in the form of Empowerment of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
in the field of Administration and Marketing in Pasirsari Village, South Cikarang. The
background of this activity is based on a field survey where many MSMEs do not have a NIB,
product logo and lack of knowledge to register their business on google maps. The priority
problem is that MSMEs in the Pasirsari Village area are immigrants so that few of them have
complete data such as domicile letters and NPWP. The solution and method in this service
program is to create a strategy in an effort to empower MSMEs through Making a Business
Identification Number (NIB), making product logos, as well as registering google maps and
making Banana Peel Ice Cream SMEs. The expected outputs from this activity are 1) MSMEs
in the Pasirsari area can have a Business Identification Number and understand its benefits
and functions. 2) MSMEs in the Pasirsari area can have a product logo as a business identity
and the business location has been registered on google maps to make it easier for visitors
to find a business location 3) MSME Banana Peel Ice Cream can be developed and passed
on by one of the MSMEs in Pasirsari Village and is expected to become a characteristic
product Pasirsari Village. This makes MSME actors who were previously affected by the
pandemic are now starting to rise again, sales that previously experienced a decline are now
starting to return to normal, people who previously did not understand social media and Ecommerce
are now technologically literate because of their previous virtual habits, MSMEs
are trying to get up. back by promoting on social media and registering their business to Ecommerce,
people who are used to buying goods online because shops that were forced to
close because they can only sell virtual or take away are now back in operation. With
Banana Peel Ice Cream "The ice cream is inspired by a brand that has banana flavored ice
cream. Finally, we have the idea to make the same ice cream but made from banana peels,
besides the vitamins contained in banana peels, we also hope that this Banana Peel Ice
Cream can reduce food waste, as banana peels are food waste.
