Pengabdian Masyarakat Pelatihan Eksplorasi Produk Tie Dye Sebagai Produk Suvenir bagi Guru MGMP dan Warga Desa Cisaat Kabupaten Subang

  • Dewi Suliyanthini Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Harsuyanti Lubis Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Moehamad Noerharyono Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Dian Utari Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Exploration training to make tie dye products as souvenir products at Subang tourist sites is an
appropriate target for the right target, for residents around Cisaat village and for MGMP teachers
throughout Subang Regency. Tiedye products in the form of rainbow T-Shrit, shibori masks, jumputan
guidebags and long sasirangan fabrics, are exploration products from the community service activities
of the Community Service Institute team - State University of Jakarta, lecturer at the Faculty of
Engineering, Fashion Design Education study program in 2022. The results of this activity MGMP
residents and teachers are motivated, enthusiastic, enthusiastic, from not understanding to
understanding with skills and knowledge of the tiedye rainbow motif coloring technique. And will
spread these knowledge skills to the students of the Subang MGMP teachers
