Evaluasi Implementasi Sistem Perpustakaan Universitas Esa Unggul Kebon Jeruk Dengan Metode Fitgap Dan Risk Analysis
The existing system in the organization will always have changes following the times and new
needs that exist. So that an evaluation is needed, this research aims to find out whether the library
system currently implemented is suitable (Fit) or there are still gaps (Gap), which then from these
results will be used FMEA method based on the existing Gap value, so as to provide suggestions
and evaluation results to achieve the goals of system development. The result of this study is that
the implemented library system is considered to have a Degree of Fit of 91% (20 user
requirements), Degree of Partial 9% (2 user requirements), Degree of Gap 0% (0 user
requirements). Thus it is concluded that the current library system is still in accordance with user
needs.However, development can be carried out so that the systemcan bemore optimal inmeeting
user needs.