Analisa Pondasi Yang Efisien Untuk Proyek Pembangunan Gedung Tower Kbg Menggunakan Borepile Dan Tiang Pancang Hendra Nenero

  • Hendra Nenero Panggabean
  • Prijasambada Prijasambada
Keywords: Pondasi Dalam, Pondasi Tiang Pancang, Pondasi Bore Pile


Planning design Foundation analysis is calculated based on the results of soil investigation, based on the
Standard Penetration Test. Selection of the foundation is very important in the structure of the building,
which is able to withstand the load of the building itself, to prevent the collapse of the building. The
object of research is the foundation structure work on the KBG Tower Building construction project, the
results of the N-SPT soil data obtained a layer of sandy dense soil 25 meters from an elevation of 0.00,
so that a deep foundation is used which uses 2 alternatives, driven pile foundation and bored pile
foundation. The purpose of this study was to obtain the number of foundation points from the analysis
of the two types of foundations so that it can be concluded which one is more efficient to use,
implementation and the cost. The analysis is carried out by comparing the planning of the driven pile
foundation with the bored pile foundation, so that the dimensions and number of points of driven pilesĀ and bored piles are obtained from the planning. Pile foundation planning on axial bearing capacity is
calculated manually using several methods, namely Mayerhoft, Tomlinson, and Reese & Wright which
later from these methods, the smallest value is taken for the carrying capacity used, while for the lateral
bearing capacity it is calculated using the L.pile software. plus 4.0. From the analysis, the number of
driven pile foundation points is more than the bored pile foundation with the same loading and the same
soil characteristics, with a total number of driven piles of 1042 points and 497 points of bore piles.
