Rancang Bangun Smart Watering System For Plant Menggunakan Rasberry Pi

  • Reginald Mahendra
  • Ahmad Muhammad Thantawi
Keywords: smart garden, temperature, soil moisture, light intensity, Raspberry PI


The process of developing plants is not as easy as imagined. Many factors that influence the
process of developing the plant, for example the temperature factor, soil moisture, the need for
radiation or the intensity of light used, and other factors.In dealing with this many scientists
developed a more modern agricultural technology system. Many new discoveries introduced by
existing scientists.One of the technologies used is electronic technology. One of the innovations
in agricultural technology in the field of electronics is an automatic watering system based on soil
moisture or can be called a Smart Garden system. This system uses soil moisture level, if the soil
lacks moisture, this tool will automatically water the plants, and if the humidity is in accordance
this tool will automatically close
