Analisa Kebutuhan Material Pembesian pada Struktur Shear Wall

  • Mochammad Iqbal Nur Rizqy
  • Rifqy Zacky Ariadhy
  • Gara Alpinas
  • Jihad Ryzki4
  • Irika Widiasanti
Keywords: Shear Wall, Kebutuhan Material, Pembesian


Every construction project has an implementation plan including how the resources are
provided. Material is one of the resources which is the component that costs the most. For that
material management is the most important element. Good material control according to time and
cost as well as available labor can improve the quality of the project as well as reduce construction
costs. The purpose of doing this research onwork shear wall is to obtain the index or coefficient of
thestructure work material shear wall. The methodology used in this research is direct observation
in the field. The research stages were primary and secondary data collection, data processing,
reporting, and conclusions and suggestions. The results showed that the coefficient of iron material
= 1.01, which means that for every kg of ironwork, 1.01 kg of iron is needed
