Perancangan Meja Dan Bangku Lipat Portabel Yang Disesuaikan Dengan Kebutuhan

  • Kis Yoga Utomo
  • Wiga Ariani
  • Ernanto Nugroho
Keywords: Perancangan, Meja, Bangku lipat ., Portabel


The construction of housing and shopping centers are growing rapidly. Along with the rapid development of this construction, the area for placing table and bench set for relaxing and discussing in restaurants for visitors in shopping areas and in city parks is limited and requires a concept of making tables and benches set that can be folded into a bench after the table set is not used anymore. Dutch teak wood is chosen as the raw material for the manufacture of tables and benches set since it is a type of forest product that is widely used by humans for various purposes, from simple things like matchsticks to luxury items such as furniture and ship interior materials. and buildings and carvings. Dutch teak wood is easy and has a soft nature in the process. Due to the ease in processing and other advantages of Dutch teak, this type of wood will be used as the basic material for making folding tables and chairs.
