Aplikasi Pemesanan Minuman Berbasis Android Di Kedai Kopi (Studi Kasus : Kedai Kopi Ngopidulu)

  • Yayak Prayoga Universitas Esa Unggul
  • Malabay Malabay Universitas Esa Unggul
Keywords: Coffee shop, Order management, Android, Prototype method


The Ngopidulu coffee shop is a place to gather with friends or family and enjoy several coffee
and non-coffee menus located in Pluit Village, Penjaringan District, North Jakarta. Order
management at the Ngopidulu coffee shop still uses the manual method, namely by queuing in front
of the shop staff which can cause long queues when holidays arrive. With so many orders received,
the shop staff cannot remember all the orders that have been made and those that have not been
made to be delivered to the buyer. This is an obstacle for staff to be able to remember all orders.
Android-Based Drink Ordering Application at a Coffee Shop (Case Study: Ngopidulu Coffee
Shop) aims to improve order management for shop staff. The prototype method was chosen
because it has several stages that can help researchers. Collecting data using the method of
literature study, observation, and interviews. The results of this study are expected to help order
management needs. The creation of this application is expected to be the answer to the constraints
experienced by shop staff in managing drink orders and making it easier for staff to make
