Pengaruh Kualitas Fungsi Dan Pemenuhan Bahasa Kasih Keluarga Terhadap Kebahagiaan Remaja

  • Rini Rini UPI Y.A.I
Keywords: love language, family function, teenage happiness


Family plays an important role on teenagers' happiness. Teenagers' happiness can be realized if the family
performs its functions optimally and if the teenagers receive the love language that is expected from the family.
This research has two objectives, the first is to determine the influence of the quality of family roles on
teenagers' happiness, and the second is to determine the influence of love language on teenagers' happiness.
The respondents of this research were 456 teenagers, using accidental sampling technique. Data was
collected via a Google Form which was distributed via WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook, and email. Data
analysis uses linear regression. The results of the research show that the quality of family function has impact
on teenagers' happiness and the fulfilment of family love language has also an impact on teenagers'
happiness. Indicators of psychological function and educational function are the most powerful indicators of
teenage happiness. Likewise, indicators of quality time and physical touch are the strongest indicators in
shaping teenage happiness.
