Gaya Hidup Berisiko melalui Aktivitas Revenge Porn dalam Konteks Korban Toxic Relationship di Media Sosial

  • Archangela G. D. H. Mola Universitas Budi Luhur
  • Lucky Nurhadiyanto Universitas Budi Luhur
Keywords: revenge porn, toxic relationship, victims, lifestyle, lifestyle exposure theory, social media., revenge porn, korban toxic relationship, gaya hidup, lifestyle exposure theory, media sosial


The revenge porn is closely related to toxic relationships which is a part of Online Gender-Based
Violence (KBGO) which does not recognize by gender and has been widespread in the last few
years on social media. Using a qualitative research method and descriptive approach, the authors
collect data by observing and interviewing victims of toxic relationships in the practice of revenge
porn on social media. The analysis was carried out from a victimological perspective by using the
lifestyle exposure theory to see if the victim's involvement from the role and lifestyle in supporting
them to be indicated being victims. The conclusion of this research is someone can potentially
become a victim of revenge porn in toxic practices because they take advantage of the victim's
weaknesses when the two of them are still in a dating relationship through an indication process. In
addition, someone has the potential to become a victim of revenge porn practices due to an
variables in terms of the victim's lifestyle such as excessive dating style, lack of self-control, wrong
use of social media, inability to refuse in toxic relationship conditions, and the existence of family
relationships that weak.
