Rancang Bangun Dashboard Monitoring Kinerja Petugas PPSU Pada Kelurahan Pisangan Baru

  • Dian Gustina FT-UPI Y.A.I
  • Ahmad Rosadi FT-UPI Y.A.I
  • Febrianne Ardianti FT-UPI Y.A.I
Keywords: Keywords: Kelurahan, Website, Monitoring, PPSU


Kelurahan is one of the most important parts of service for the community. One of the
mandatory services provided by the kelurahan is service to public facilities and
infrastructure, for that the kelurahan has special officers who handle these problems,
namely PPSU officers or orange troops. PPSU is a janitor who works under the control
of the kelurahan level. In the presentation of monitoring information there is no media
that helps make it easier for Pisangan Baru village employees to see the performance
of PPSU officers. Therefore we need a system that can monitor and present visual
information about the performance of PPSU officers called the Dashboard.
