Pembangunan Desa Digital Berkelanjutan Di Desa Baros
Pembangunan desa digital memiliki kompleksitas yang sangat tinggi. Kesulitan itu didorong oleh berbagai faktor utama antara lain, rendahnya kompetensi dan pengetahuan, lemahnya tingkat ekonomi, sedikitnya fasilitas kesehatan publik, terbatasnya kemampuan finansial, dan terbatasnya akses marketing dari produk lokal. Selain itu digitalisasi desa mengalami stagnasi karena metode pembangunan yang parsial, tidak kooperatif dan non-partisipatif. Proses mitigasi kebutuhan desa digital melalui FGD masyarakat Desa Baros dengan tim dosen pengabdi FISIP UPNVJ merupakan awal dari proses pembangunan desa digital di Desa Baros dengan konsep pengembangan desa digital yang berkelanjutan, proses ini menemukan bahwa kebutuhan utama masyarakat Baros adalah pengembangan website desa, pelayanan administrasi pemerintahan dan penguatan usaha ekonomi masyarakat pedesaan Baros.
The development of a digital village has a very high complexity. This difficulty is driven by various main factors among others, low competence and knowledge, weak economic level, few public health facilities, limited financial capacity, limited access to marketing of local products. In addition, village digitization has stagnated due to partial, non-cooperative and non-participatory development methods. The process of mitigating the needs of digital villages through FGDs for the Baros Village community with a team of FISIP UPNVJ service lecturers is a digital village development process in Baros Village with the concept of sustainable digital village development, this process found that the main needs of the Baros community are website development, government administration services and business strengthening the economy of the Baros rural community.