Pemberdayaan Pemasaran Berbasis Digital UMKM Desa Rancabolang

  • Puji Pramesti
  • Rita Komalasari
  • Andina Dwijayanti
  • Poniah Juliawati
  • Zen Munawar
Keywords: PKM, UMKM, pemasaran digital, landing page


Pemberdayaan Pemasaran Berbasis Digital UMKM Desa

Community service activities (PKM) are part of the tridarma that must be carried out by academics,
PKM is useful for increasing the relevance of insight through dedication to the community and applying
science to have a positive impact on society. PKM activities at LP3I Polytechnic are carried out in several
areas, one of which is in Rancabolang Village, Gedebage District, Bandung City. Partners of PKM activities
in Rancabolang Village are several MSME Partners Fahmia (British Propolish), Rendang Suwir, Yukusiba
(Zuppa Soup), Bandung Jacket Vest, and Catering. As for the results of observations and initial visits to the
field, a landing page was found for further explanation of the products sold, MSMEs do not have adequate
skills regarding good product photos, and there are MSMEs that do not understand how to manage financial
reports. The methodology used is Participatory Action Research (PAR). The results of PKM activities are the
creation of digital marketing with, landing pages that are inserted into Instagram accounts and
the creation of financial data processing using Excel in EXFA format
