Faktor Penentu Loyalitas Pelanggan PT Nabawi Mulia Pendekatan Kualitatif Dan Kuantitatif Menggunakan PLS SEM

  • Agus Djoko Sentosa
  • Dwi Sihono Raharjo
  • Rilla Sovitriana
  • Evi Nilawati
  • Nur Idaman
Keywords: Faktor penentu loyalitas, PLS, SEM, NVivo


Opportunities for the magnitude of consumer interest are utilized as optimally as possible by the
organizers of the umrah and hajj pilgrimage, taking into account the important factor is customer
loyalty, customer loyalty is the driving force to go forward in supporting the development of
religious tourism services. Customer loyalty, related to the perception of the perpetrators or
consumers, where the higher the services of the service institutions to the consumer, give a high
value of behavior to recommend to others, in the form of written promotions, or through word of
mouth, called words to mouth. Many factors affect customer loyalty, including internal price
organizers. Research on the factors that influence customer loyalty is approached by two
cauldron methods and I use NVivo and PLS2. The main purpose of this study as a form of
service in an effort to improve consumer service strategies at the Umrah and Hajj service
institute, PT Nabawi Mulia.
