Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Berbasis Android Untuk Mempermudah Akses Pelayanan Surat Dan Informasi Kegiatan Masyarakat (Studi Kasus : Perumahan Bumiasri Kelurahan Kutabumi)
An Android-based application has been designed to enhance efficiency in disseminating
community activity information and managing correspondence services in Bumiasri Residential
Area, Kutabumi Village. This application facilitates residents in accessing information in real-time,
reduces reliance on manual methods, and increases community participation. The implementation
of technologies such as Flutter and Dart enables flexibility and compatibility with various devices,
while the use of Strapi as a CMS simplifies content and data management within the application.
This application is expected to provide an effective solution to meet the information and service
needs of the community in the residential environment.