Perancangan Aplikasi Pencatatan Dan Monitoring Performa Transaksi Penjualan Cabang Waralaba Teh Manis Solo Berbasis Website (Studi Kasus : Teh Manis Solo Siska)

  • Kevin Teguh Nugroho Universitas Esa Unggul
  • Malabay Universitas Esa Unggul
Keywords: recording, waterfall, website.


Teh Manis Solo is a franchise engaged in the beverage sales sector. Siska Andriyani, as the franchisee, purchased
a partnership package and owns three branches in three different locations. The first branch is located at Jl. Pulo
Harapan Indah, West Jakarta. The second branch is located at Jl. M Toha, Tangerang City, and the third branch
is located at Jl. Prabu Siliwangi, Tangerang City. In running her business, Teh Manis Solo Siska faces several
challenges, such as recording transactions from the three branches still using a manual system, sales transactions
not being recorded in detail since the records are based on how many thermos were sold today, and each branch's
transaction data must be monitored through direct inspections. Consequently, the owner finds it difficult to
monitor and know the types of beverages sold at each branch and control the business processes at each Teh
Manis Solo Siska branch. To address these issues, a web-based application for Sales Transaction Recording and
Franchise Branch Transaction Performance Monitoring of Teh Manis Solo is being developed. The
programming language used for designing and developing the application is PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)
using the CodeIgniter framework, and data processing is done using MySQL. The development method used is
the Waterfall model. The data collection process that will be implemented includes direct observation,
interviews, and literature study. The hope is that this application will solve the problems faced by the business
owner in the process of recording sales transactions, expenditures, and monitoring as well as controlling business
processes at each branch.
